It's a good question, Michael . I've only got two data points to pull from at this point and would love to hear from others. Over the past week or two I would say that my experience has been fairly positive, enough to get interested and put it in writing. Along the way I learned of one other team that was trying out a similar strategy (Lima, but with QEMU instead of Rosetta) to run a Db2 container on MacOS. My workloads have been quite simple and from what I know of their's, it would have been a fair bit more intense. They had issues with emulation performance, especially on startup, but I've been happy. I've stopped, restarted, and re-initialized the container several times, and shut down and re-started the entire stack including the VM as well without any significant issues. The only thing I have seen, twice now, is an error during db2start, an error acquiring a unique key used during shared memory allocation, where retrying the db2start succeeds. Why, I don't yet know.